Purple Heart First Aid Training is a registered training organisation (RTO) which has its base in Brisbane and provides learners of its training programs support and assistance in completing their studies with them.
Purple Heart First Aid Training has a philosophy which is committed to providing you with the best skills to develop and apply First Aid Training.
Purple Heart First Aid Training offers the following units of competency:
Purple Heart First Aid Training gives an undertaking to provide only the highest quality professional services. This means that our trainer/assessors conducting our training programs are well qualified, have extensive experience, an outstanding reputation and are recognised by their peers as being among the best in their field.
We provide a suitable, safe learning environment, with appropriate facilities and equipment, and conduct effective training programs using proven training methods and the most up to date information based on current research. Feedback is obtained from learners of our training programs to ensure that we are meeting your needs.
Enrolments are accepted in order of application by mail or phone. Deferred enrolment will be offered where an application is received after a class has been filled. In such cases, applicants will be notified as soon as possible by telephone and confirmed by mail.
Where a number of applications are received at the same time, and insufficient places are available in a training program, preference will be given to the applicants who need to complete the training program to meet employment or life skills requirements.
Applicants are advised to book early because places are limited. Enrolments are made in writing or by phone. On application, and again when they confirm their enrolment, Purple Heart First Aid Training will discuss people’s needs and provide information to assist them in choosing the training program most appropriate to their needs and situation.
If a cancellation is received, Purple Heart First Aid Training will notify those on the waiting list in order of listing to offer them a place. If there are sufficient people on the waiting list, Purple Heart First Aid Training will endeavour to organise another session/s.
Purple Heart will invoice clients after the completion of the course. An invoice will be sent together with Statements of Attainment and should an application for a refund of fees be requested, this should be made in writing to Purple Heart First Aid Training stating the reason for the request for refund.
Where a cancellation is made after the commencement of the training program for a reason beyond the control of the learner, they will be offered the opportunity of completing the training program at the next available opportunity. If this is not possible, a full refund will be made.
Where a training program is cancelled by Purple Heart First Aid Training, and alternative training programs do not suit the applicant, a full refund of fees will be made within fourteen (14) days of receipt of application for refund.
Purple Heart First Aid Training will provide a full refund of fees in exceptional circumstances or through illness or injury preventing the Learner from completing the unit/module within fourteen (14) days of receipt of application for refund.
In exceptional cases of financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances, the learner may make an application for full or partial refund and forward this in writing to Purple Heart First Aid Training, which will then determine whether the application is approved, and if approved, will make sure the learner is removed from the class roll, and the full or part amount of refund is returned to the learner.
The framework we operate within is founded upon principles from the following pieces of legislation. Further information can be accessed online at: www.austlii.edu.au
Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992
The objects of this Act are:
The principal object of this Act is to provide a framework for cooperative workplace relations that support economic prosperity and welfare.
This is a framework which sets out all nationally agreed education and training qualifications in Australia. The vocational education and training sector delivers eight qualifications under this framework, ie Certificate I to Vocational Graduate Diploma.
As stated in this handbook, you will see the qualifications offered by us, and their equivalent level under AQF. For more information, access the following website: http://www.aqf.edu.au/
Purple Heart First Aid Training is committed to providing opportunities to all people for advancement, regardless of their background. We support government policy initiatives and provide access to our training where we can to those who are at a disadvantage, even seeking assistance for learners from relevant agencies or government departments.
Purple Heart First Aid Training meets the needs of individuals and the community through the integration of access and equity guidelines, and will apply equity principles to ensure equality of opportunity without discrimination by ensuring that our selection criteria is non‐discriminatory, providing fair access to training for disadvantaged people.
We liaise with agencies and Government Departments when appropriate – e.g. for Austudy, literacy and numeracy support, migrant education and disability support in order to assist any of our Learners who may require assistance, in a non‐interventionist manner.
Purple Heart First Aid Training is committed to providing guidance or support to those learners who have any identified issues in relation to language, literacy or numeracy support.
Should a Learner require support, information can be provided in a confidential interview on access to appropriate support which is available. All information in relation to a learner’s LLN skills is strictly confidential. More information can be obtained by visiting the following website
– www.centrelink.fov.au/internet/internet.nsf/services/literacy_numeracy.htm
Under the above Acts, the Anti‐Discrimination Act, 1991 and the Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995, Sexual harassment and anti‐discrimination is against the law. Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is intimidating, humiliating or offensive. What constitutes sexual harassment to one person may be acceptable to another. It is every Learner’s right to a sexual harassment free environment. Where instances of discrimination or harassment occur, they will be investigated in a confidential manner. If proved, the person responsible will be disciplined.
New Learners have an orientation/registration session at the commencement of programs of study. At this time, Learners are given comprehensive information regarding their programs of study, delivery methods, assessment methods and dates and are made familiar with the policies and procedures which will affect you in your study.
Purple Heart First Aid Training is committed to providing guidance where possible to assist in meeting your learning needs, by
There is always the potential for accidents and injury when attending training, so we need to be aware of the need for taking precaution to avoid them. The most serious is in relation to emergency evacuation in the event of fire or other hazards. Your trainer/assessor will advise you of the evacuation procedures in case of an emergency, and we have an Occupational Health and Safety policy for your protection.
All safety precautions are undertaken by Purple Heart First Aid Training, and should a safety incident occur, you will be provided with an Incident Report to document the incident and its outcomes.
Learners have the right to submit a complaint or appeal, preferably in writing, if they feel they have not been treated fairly in some way. Complaints are welcomed as a means of ensuring that we overcome problems faced by clients, and have the opportunity to improve the operation and delivery of our training programs.
Learners have the right to appeal against an assessment decision with which they are not satisfied:
An application can be made for RPL when the Learner believes that they have already attained the necessary skills and competencies elsewhere (work, other study etc.).
A comprehensive application for RPL kit is available from Purple Heart First Aid Training upon request. If you feel you have the skills, knowledge or experience required to apply for RPL, you will be able to have an interview with Purple Heart First Aid Training who will assist you with your application. You will be required to provide documentation to support your application. Your application will be processed and an assessment made as to the success or otherwise of your application. You will notified in writing of the result. Should your application be successful, your results will be recorded on your Academic Statement.
Purple Heart First Aid Training has an assessment policy which is available for your information, that ensures Learners and trainers/assessors work together to achieve the training program aims. The following principles will be applied by Purple Heart First Aid Training to all assessment:‐
Our policy also includes a requirement that Learners are provided with clear, concise directions for assessment and recording of results.
To be eligible to pass your qualification, you must satisfactorily complete all the requirements of your unit of competency within a given time. This means that you will be assessed in terms of being able to do the job to industry standards.
Competency‐based training (CBT) is an approach to vocational education and training that places emphasis on what a person can do in the workplace as a result of completing a program of training. Ideally, progress within a competency‐based training program is not based on time.
Competency based training or CBT, focuses on what a learner can do as a result of participating in training. At the end of training, a learner needs to be able to demonstrate their competency in a new skill. There will also be situations where a learner doesn't need to do any training before they can demonstrate their competency. They may have learnt how to do the task in any other number of ways. What matters is that they can demonstrate their competency, not that they have taken part in training.
Under Competency Based Training (CBT), there are competency standards. The concept of competency focuses on what is expected of a person in the workplace rather than on the learning process, and embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments. Competency is a broad concept that includes all aspects of work performance and not only narrow task skills. Each unit of competency describes the work performed in the workplace.
A unit of competency is like a subject or unit of study. It is made up of elements and their associated performance criteria.
There are a number of units of competency in the training program or training programs you will study.
Competencies are subdivided into elements and elements are further subdivided into performance criteria. You will need to successfully demonstrate the skills contained in both the elements and the performance criteria.
All assessment is set out in the overview to each competency or competencies which is provided to you at the commencement of each workshop or class. Once this assessment has been successfully completed, you will receive a result which will count towards your qualification.
Assessments will be marked “competent” or “not yet competent.” Units of competency results will be recorded for you. Final results for individual competencies will be made through provision of a written Statement of Attainment issued officially.
Purple Heart First Aid Training utilises training facilities at various venues which have the required physical resources used in its training and assessment in First Aid programs.
If you wish to withdraw from a training program or a unit of competency this may be negotiated with you and Purple Heart First Aid Training.
Purple Heart First Aid Training supports the national policy of this recognition of qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTO), regardless of the location, provided that the RTO is registered to offer units of competency which exist within the qualification being offered by Purple Heart First Aid Training and which may also exist in other Training Packages.
If a student makes application to obtain access to their personal records they must do so in writing and provide this written application to the Company who will ensure the personal records are provided within seven (7) working days from the date of the application. If a student wishes to allow a third party to access their personal records, they must make application in writing on Form 50.1 “Release of Information to a Third Party”. The Company will provide the information requested within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the application.